Tutorial on How to Health Therapy With Magic Oil

Tutorial on How to Health Therapy With Magic Oil
Why does pain occur?
Tutorial Cara Terapi Kesehatan Dengan Minyak Ajaib

Understand the meaning of pain and some of the reasons why a person experiences pain in different ways. In our bodies, pain is a common occurrence and sometimes affects daily routine. If the pain is left untreated or treated inappropriately, the pain can become chronic.

According to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), pain is an unpleasant emotional experience due to actual or potential damage. Pain can affect everyone, regardless of sex, age, race, social status, and occupation.

There are two types of pain namely nesiseptif and neuropathic. Nociceptive is pain caused by tissue damage, disease processes or abnormal function of muscles or internal organs. For example, pain punctured by nails, pain due to collisions, and others. Pain is an acute disease and is a response from external stimuli. While neuropathic is pain caused by nerve damage or nerve dysfunction as in diabetes mellitus, herpes zoster, HNP, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Siringomielia, and others. Pain is chronic and spontaneous (without stimulation from outside the patient still feels pain).

If you feel pain or ache as above or have other illnesses such as cholesterol, migraine, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, try treating it with bio scalar energy magic oil in the first way, which is rubbed on the affected part and rubbed on the heart then rubbed on it. palms to warm, can also with the second method of therapy that is in addition to rubbing like the first way before then stand up close your feet closed and inhale deeply then hold, when you hold your breath please pray in accordance with their respective beliefs and ask the God for healing from illnesses suffered after praying, don't you breathe slowly, keep your eyes closed and breathe normally, don't hold back anymore.
When the eyes are still closed in a state of standing upright, close your mind, focus your mind on the disease and continue to ask Allah to be healed immediately and if there is movement or the body wants to move, follow it because it is a movement. Schalar Energy's magic oil intermediary.

How come that might be your question?

Did you know that the body is actually the BEST DOCTOR because the body always refuses when an illness enters the body a simple example that the body refuses when there is an illness that is when you eat out of focus whether while talking, laughing or in a hurry sometimes we experience the name SNACK or if Sundanese people say KABESEKAN where rice goes into the lungs, try to imagine that if the body does not refuse SNACK you will feel shortness of breath, but with choking refusal then the wrong rice is released through the nose, another example of the body doing rejection when something goes there is in the body want to be a disease that is pooping, urinating, sweating out, sprue etc., try to feel or imagine if you do not defecate or urinate and sweat does not come out what happens ????

Maybe your question is that disease can be released by itself 
By the body. How many people are sick?

One of the factors causing disease is food and drink, air pollution and many more that contain toxins, for example food containing preservatives, coloring drinks and even staple foods that we eat daily, namely NASI, there is also poison when rice is planted before being planted and even planted care to be harvested so that fertile fast-growing do not hit by pests used fertilizers that contain chemicals, Well all the candidates for the disease have been issued by the body through what I said earlier but between unbalanced income and expenditure let alone added by the U factor the more days we get more immunity increasingly down so the poison that enters the body for example 10 removed the remaining 5 that become the forerunner to the occurrence of various diseases, CARE YOUR HEALTH BEFORE COMING BECAUSE from now on eat healthy foods and exercise between them

Hopefully this article has benefits for all of us and if it is felt that this article is necessary and important for our health, please share the goodness of sharing with the people you care about so they also know how important it is to maintain health and about therapy with bio schalar energy miracle oil with the reaction to there is a body that moves there that does not depend on the energy of the person but usually even though there is no movement there is still a change in health that is healthier than before and the therapy is carried out for 5 minutes to 15 minutes of therapy, if it is healthy there is no need for therapy anymore except want know more about scalar energy magic oil ..

Other products available and contain bio schalar energy other than magic oil (Bio Scalar Energy - Kebumen) there is a bio energy card, cell phone anti radiation and fuel saver for motorbikes and energy racing cars, if you are interested please click on the order just need to remember me as a seller never guarantee recovery because healing belongs only to alloh swt man only to do the obligation to endeavor that all your good intentions are always granted by Allah swt .... amiiiinnnn

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